Not much to say yesterday, was a quiet day and made a bearish flag up. I still believe this is a move which should take us down to SPX below 1173 next.
On Dow jones around 11k or just below. Watch out there, NYMO also got sell signal yesterday again.
I'm still long the dollar and the dollar should be moving way higher imo, got long dollar around 79-80 again and now dollar is above 80's. Should be 84+ by next week.
Watch out, cause markets is going lower imo. The 30 min and 60min will get oversold tomorrow if we end red, but I will update 30 min and 60min for traders.
I'm still long the dollar since 79's and called the bottom in dollar at 74. Believe dollar is going to have a big move to the upside in the next 2-3 months ahead
Have a nice day
Are you still holding Tza from $30s? Have you covered any of your "All In with rest of cash" short from Oct. 5? Could you clarify that?