Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I added by last cash left and I am now 100% short the markets, intraday update - transfered some money from my bank account to trading account yesterday and added whats left in shorts today.

Got TZA last add 24.42 - SPX 1160 currently. I feel very confident and its 2 times this year I have gone all in one way. Last time was near the april highs, some days before. I feel similar now to the highs in april and all in shorts again. Lets see what the next days brings... :)

You know it really is pretty amazing what the Federal Reserve is doing and a whole lot of people a lot smarter than me think they are leading us down a path of doom. What caused the last economic crisis and housing bubble? It was Greenspan pumping money into the world and keeping interest rates low. He was going to be the man that lead the world to a new and better era of prosperity(How did that work out for your legacy Al?)
So what is the Feds response to the current state of affairs. Well lets just do the same damn thing that got us into this mess in the first place. Print more money and pump it into the economy through mortgage and bond and other asset purchases. Except the money never gets anywhere to where it actually helps the economy. It helps the skull and bones crowd of which Bernanke and Geitner and company are charter members. It creates more bubbles! Why is gold and platinum at all time highs and 2 year notes at all time interest rate lows. Must be scary times, ah contraire, the stock market is doing just great thanks. Why, the money has to go somewhere, so lets spread it around and all the big money boys balance sheets just get better and better. Meanwhile a few voices of reason call out we have to stop this madness. The Philly Fed president said yesterday, "Asset purchases in our current economic enviroment can do little if anything to help our economy and may actually hurt it". The KC Fed president is ready to kill some of these guys, but they don't listen.

Have a nice day and good luck to everyone !

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